Digital Academy

This programme has now ended.
See our current Trailblazer programme here!


cultural understanding through digital art and storytelling


2020/2021 was the second year of our Trailblazer Digital Academy programme. It ran simultaneously with partner schools in Belfast (Elmgrove Primary School, St. Peters Primary) and on the Ards Peninsula (St Mary’s Kirkubbin, Kirkistown Primary).  This Good Relations project worked with selected school groups to explore social issues while learning new digital and tech-based skills.

90 young participants (aged 7 – 9) had the opportunity to get creative with animation and filmmaking under the guidance of wonderful artist-facilitators; Matt Faris, Katrina Smyth, Gwen Stevenson, and Ed Renyolds. 

The aim was to engender social cohesion by encouraging open minded, fair and positive attitudes towards individual differences, community and cultural diversity. Young people also gained transferable creative skills. Module 1 (September – December) used animation to explore the issue of racism, exploring stereotyping, prejudice, and inclusion. Module 2 in filmmaking, (delivered remotely January – March due to lockdown) looked at the concept of diversity using the theme of superheroes to celebrate difference and encourage kindness and community cohesion. 

Despite the massive challenges brought about by the Covid19 pandemic this year’s Trailblazer Digital Academy programme built on the success of previous years and achieved a wide range of positive impacts. It was very well received by partners and participants. 

Pupils really engaged in the programme and were always keen and excited to participate in sessions. 100% of pupils felt they had benefited from the project and although lockdown and restrictions created significant difficulties bringing people together but there were numerous positive impacts, for example, at the beginning 37% of learners stated that they had ‘Intermediate’ level skills regarding digital arts. By the end of the project this had transformed into 80% which highlights the benefit of the project by giving young learners experiences they would not traditionally receive in school.  

Students, teachers, and other school staff were equipped with new creative and digital skills which are transferable to many other applications. They were also given equipment and resources to continue working with digital arts once the project has concluded. 

 See some the amazing animations produced by our participants!

Ards area partner schools

Kirkistown Primary 
St Marys Kircubbin

Belfast partner schools

Elmgrove Primary 
St Peters Primary 

The programme was supported by the Executive Office’s Central Good Relations Fund delivering under the ‘Together: Building a United Community’ Strategy, which works to improve community relations across NI. 

 In Partnership




Trailblazer — 2021 / 22


T:BUC Tech & Adventure Summer Camp